Legend:  spicy spicy  

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Garlic Spare Ribs 蒜香猪排 Spicy

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Stewed Pork Rib with Potatoes 土豆炖排骨

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Sweet and Sour Chicken 咕咾鸡

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Sweet and Sour Pork 咕咾肉

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Dry-Fried Green Beans 干煸四季豆 Spicy

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Fried Shredded Cabbages 手撕包菜 Spicy

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Lamb with Cumin 孜然羊肉 Spicy

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Broccoli with Garlic 蒜蓉百加利

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Broccoli and Beef 牛肉百加利

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Fish Fillets with Bean Sprouts 沸腾鱼 Spicy

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Fish Fillets with Pickle 酸菜鱼 Spicy

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Fish Fillets in Hot Chili Oil 水煮鱼 Spicy

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Beef in Hot Chili Oil 水煮牛肉 Spicy

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Big Plate Chicken with Noodle 大盘鸡 Spicy

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Stewed Beef Brisket with Potatoes 土豆炖牛腩

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Beef and Bean with Bean Sauce 豆豉牛柳

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Shredded Pork with Vegetables 农家小炒肉 Spicy

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Fried Beef with Peppers 川椒牛 Spicy

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Fried Chicken with Peppers 川椒鸡 Spicy

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Honey Pork Ribs with Garlic 蜜糖排骨

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Salty Pepper Pork Ribs with Garlic 椒盐排骨 Spicy

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Spicy Wonton 红油抄手 Spicy

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Sweet & Spicy Chicken 蜜椒鸡 Spicy